Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Power of The Human Mind

A walk to remember?

I deeply inhaled the intoxicating aroma of fresh air on a relaxed summer walk throughout main street. I gazed at all the fine restaurants, Italian, Korean, Thai, and Jamaican. I remembered a time when i believed it was impossible to change. A time where the mind told me some are born with talent and others are not so blessed. The truth struck me like an anvil from a bugs bunny cartoon and life started to make sense. People are capable of any feat no matter how talented, smart, or good looking you think you are. Remember this, becuase i don't have any of those three traits, but i do have confidence in myself. I used to say well I'm just not capable becuase i don't have natural talent like Tiger woods, or the natural IQ like Davinchi, however; when people feel like they aren't talented, practice more to develop the talent, or not smart, read and study until there brain is a finely tuned instrument, even being uncomfortable with your body, eating right and staying physically fit will transform it into a work of art. It may take longer for someone like me to get certain concepts, but at least i can say i gave it my best shot even if its through failure the gratification will be priceless.

Failure can drive you to be better

Certainly finding balance is hard, but its more important not to feed into our addictions. The habits which mold our very being such as eating, sleeping, and smoking all are very hard to control when used in excess, and i can personally testify to that. I remember when i was flunking out of school becuase i cut class to get high out of my mind, but in class i was usually to obliterated to comprehend anything going on. So like many other students, i decided to fly under the radar and do the absolute bare minimum. The teacher would see some potential and feel compelled to move me on to the next grade, i would party and cut class, and eventually be shuffled out the public education system, everyone wins right? smoking, drinking, and treating life like a personal playground was a way to deal with life when i woke up in the morning and said, " Oh shit I'm fucked". I figured a good buzz would make me more personable and funny, yet those habits only tossed me into a deeper state of depression becuase my internal needs of leading a healthy lifestyle weren't satisfied. The most empowering feeling is the first day you put an end to one of those habits which are leaving your mind in complete comatose. Finally deciding to use the brain god has given us is certainly a novel idea. Challenge yourself to one day without the habit that is holding you back and i guarantee it will do wonders for you becuase i know i would be doing nothing with my life if i didn't. Keep a journal of the experiment and watch how much you progress physically, mentally, and in all other aspects. The first day will be hard, but the journal will provide motivation and observations in the attempt to break the habit . The first week i quit smoking i had no clue what to do with myself becuase i was like " Oh my god i have so much free time and have no clue how to use it", of course like any other person struggling through addiction i thought well i can't have cigarettes or weed so let me have a couple beers. The only way i truly conquered my addiction was by taking a proactive stance in life.

Taking initiative sucks at first but feels good when its a habit

Being a proactive person is simply being a doer instead of a talker. We all have met the good talker who sounds too good to be true and usually is. They beam with confidence, and talk up one mean game, yet when crunch time comes to perform the lies and excuses crash down like a waterfall. This was me, the consummate talker who harangued others to woefully make up for my own inadequacies. people who do things are hard workers who get the grades, skills, and success, while people who talk are too busy running there mouth about knowing everything. I lied for so long about so many things that i did not know the difference between a lie or the truth. When i kept my journal it solidified every decision i made becuase the entries from the previous week showed me progress which translated into motivation, and then willpower to keep working even though i wanted a beer, or wanted to lie about exploits which never happened to puff myself out. Motivation comes and goes, but through reflecting and thinking we can reignite the passion pretty quick.
Life is a long journey and we need to be prepared for the hurricanes and earthquakes when they come. Don't give up on life when you fall down, instead turn it into more will power to learn. i felt trapped inside a bad storm on my journey for years and started to tell myself it was too late and it was hopeless, but now through developing the necessary willpower to change i realize i have been reborn and so can you!

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