Saturday, January 15, 2011

Flight to Bangkok

    It felt like another dimension when i stepped on the flight to Seoul. Beautiful stewardesses, magazines in chicken scratch, and tofu; It's fair to say i was in lust. I was probably one of the only Caucasians on the flight, but it was an interesting turn of the tables. The stewardesses motioned me to the coach area ," sur! peese! E foty."
 "wuh", "Foty sur! Foty! yew undewstand?"
Everyone was stuffing their carry-ons into the overhead in preparation for the next 18 hours of stagnancy. I finally found my seat in the middle of two jovial looking Korean business men, they gave me a wry smile and let me into my seat which was inconveniently sandwiched between the both of them.
           My heart was pounding like a Cuban bongo drum and with each heartbeat i grew more anxious of the trip. Remember when your were a six year old kid experiencing Christmas for the first time? Having sex? It was one of those nervous, yet i can't believe I'm doing this feelings. The endorphins were freely flowing and that moment made the last 22 years of life worth every second.
                     The flight can't be romanticized too much because after the initial five hour high of movies, peanuts, and stewardesses wore off i realized i had 14 more hours before i landed. As much as you try to fall asleep in coach or get your own personal space, you quickly realize you and  200 other people are screwed  thinking the exact same thing, " these seats suck, my neck hurts, and the food is five weeks old. After dealing with the initial high and then coming back to reality i was ready too meet the new James. 10,0000 miles from New York
 with blue skies  and a beer in front of me; bring it on!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Reasons for Traveling

1.) Have a greater appreciation for family and friends.
2.) learn new skills, languages, and culture
3.) respect foreigners more
/  respect people of different diversity
4.) Learn the true value of a hard earned dollar to the rest of the world
5.) wealth is nice, but time is priceless
6.) develop a broad worldview and see how we are all connected
7.) wake up to the sound of a rooster
8.) see naked children and stray dogs walking the street
9.) learn to plan better
10.) increase mental acuity
11.) try to use sign language to communicate to people who have no clue what your saying
12.) meet great people
13.) wake up and realize your on a beach 10,000 miles away from home
14.) come to terms that you have to do your own laundry, feed yourself, and shop.
15.) most of all-> RELAX! Enjoy life :)

These are just a few of the many reasons to travel. People have such different opinions across the globe, i've met people who said Saddam Hussein was the best thing for Iraq.